Wednesday, January 3, 2018


the experts out there say to have a word to define your upcoming year.  This year my word is Choose/choice.  I came to this word from a couple of things that came across my path on the same week and it to spoke to me.  One was "chose today whom you will serve."  It a bible verse from the old testament speaking about serving God vs other gods.  "Gods" today can mean a lot of things--money, selfish ways, etc.  And this sermon at a small AME church really spoke to me.  Who am I serving?  How are my choices reflecting whom I serve?

The second message came from a piece of paper on a widow sill at work, next to the elevator I was waiting for.  It said this "by choosing the content of your character, you can choose the type of results you see in your life.  why not make a commitment to yourself today to write your own history.  by consciously choosing the most constructive actions available to you, you can shape the course of your life."  (Chris Widener).

I realize that I am now the age my parents were when the divorced and started their lives over again.  What were the choices they made and am I making the same ones?  What would I like my life to look like in 25-30 years?

One of my choices is to be a better servant with my money.  To pay off this debt, build a savings, be a giving person.  So I'm on a budget diet so to speak and will stick to the budget I set every month.  No cheating!  (and God only knows what is going to happen with the economy with this big corporate tax cut,  probably down the toilet in a few years).

Second choice is to continue with school and pursue a job in a warmer climate.  AHS has hospitals and the corporate offices in Orlando, FL and surrounding area.  I plan to finish this MPA and get a job there.  It's not Mexico but at least it's warmer!

Third choice is once and for all getting better about eating habits.  Trying to break the emotional eating.  Crossfit is going great and will continue to do that.

Forth choice is back to that emotional part, choosing to calm myself instead of anger and anxiety.  That's a continual battle some days, but I can do it.  I can make a choice in how I respond and that's what I will do.

So that is my new year 2018 choice.  To make better choices with my time, money and energy.

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