Monday, July 22, 2013

I made it

I accomplished the three goals I set for myself with this triathlon---finish, don't die, don't finish last.  I can honestly say I did all those things, and did better in parts of the race than I thought I might.  Here's the recap:
Swimming---I wasn't sure how well I would do with this.  A lot of triathletes are not strong swimmers.  I'm not either but I have swam with a masters group before so I know how to do it well.  And, I was doing well until my swim cap came off and took the goggles with it.  In the middle of the lake no less.  grrr.  I got both back on and then caught up to the people who had passed me.  So, even though it was frustrating to have to stop, I was happy with the fact that I was able to catch up again.  Imagine how I would do if I didn't stop! 
Biking---riding a bike is easy.  I've been doing it since I was 6 years old.  Biking on those hills is not easy.  I didn't do as well at this as I thought I might.  :/   I did set a goal while riding that I was not going to get off the bike and walk up the worst of the hills.  So, kudos for that but I gotta work on that for the next race!
Running----I figured this would be my worst event.  Ironic since I used to be a pretty good runner.  I decided to run as long as I could, then walk if needed.  I also walked up hills.  After a mile or so I caught my second wind.  I actually felt good and that I could keep on running!  I ran a lot more of this than I thought I would and I feel pretty good about that. 

So, I crossed a big barrier, just being able to finish.  I looked at the race results and the people in front of me aren't going any faster than I am capable of.  I will be back and will be stronger the next time! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so happy for you Brenda! You met your goals. What a great feat! And with determination to go beyond. So so so happy for you!
