Saturday, April 27, 2013

time to just do it

"Everything you need is already inside. Just do it."

-Bill Bowerman, former Oregon track coach and Nike co-founder

11 weeks to go!  I took most of this week off while dealing with my house, but will get started back up again this week.  I found a training program on-line that has given me a weekly plan to follow.  I don't follow it 100% but I can tell I'm getting stronger.  It's a slow process of getting back into a routine of exercising and out of the routine of signing up for a zillion other activities that keep me from it.  Bad habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to make but I'm slowly making the turn. 

I saw this quote on the FB page of a friend and it spoke to me.  I already have all the tools I need.  I just gotta do it. 

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