Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm starting (again) today

I've decided I want to do a triathalon. I thought about this last spring and didn't get the training in to do it but now that summer is 7 months away, I have the time to get in shape. I looked up the Shawnee Mission Park Triathalon and the short course is as follows:
Swim--500 meters (done! I swam 500 meters Sunday at the gym. Not all at once, mind you, but I can at least go the distance).
Bike--9 miles (easy. If an 80 year old member of the Turtle bicycle group can do it, then so can I!)
Run--2.4 miles. (well, if nothing else, I can walk that far)

I'm doing the blog to have someone to answer to besides myself, who frequently talks myself out of the work out I planned to do and start tomorrow. Or maybe on Monday because it's the beginning of the week and a good day to start. Well, today is MONDAY so I'm starting.

For all of you out there who are running, and your kids are running, (or swimming or playing ball) thank you! You reminded me how much fun it is just to participate. Times, PR's, and where you finish are not as important as just being out there and doing it.

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