Tuesday, July 22, 2014

when you're done you're done

There comes that time when you know you're done. With a relationship, with a job--which is also a relationship of sorts.  I know I am done.  For so long I thought I would be sad about leaving and that it would be hard.  Now I don't think so. 

I was watching the Ninja challenge on NBC last night.  A guy on the show said that at some point maybe he would get a real job.  But realized he has a dream and said "who wants a real job any way?"  I said, you don't want a "real job."  I knew what he meant, an 8-5 job, daily grind, daily commute, clock in and out, type of job.  I know a certain level of certainty comes with that type of job. An guaranteed income, benefits, insurance, vacation.  But at what price?  Does certainty mean happiness? 

I admire people who go after a dream rather that "a real job."  I wish I had that kind of courage. 

And last week a couple of people said they are planning a trip to Mozambique next summer.  I wanted to go and the old fears of uncertainty crept in..money and would I have enough?  Wanting to move and having enough money for moving and traveling.  Then I thought to myself, this is exactly the fear that has kept me from doing the trips I've wanted to do in the past.  The regrets I looked back on now and wish I had gone on the trip instead of worrying if I had enough  money. 

And then I thought I want to go.  And if I live every day towards that goal of doing the big things I like, instead of doing the little things I do in order to cope with the life I have--and don't like---then I would have the money.  It's a switch in thinking.  Not worrying, yet prioritizing what my dream is. 

God give me the courage and opportunity to do what you have put in my heart.  To go forward without fear or hesitation.  To not worry about the what if's.  To know that you will provide for everything I need, and that I already have everything I need to survive.  Now I need to live.  Really live every day, not just a few times a year or once in a while. 

The first step's always the hardest one to take---it's a leap of faith. 

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