Sunday, June 29, 2014


I went to my college coach's retirement last night.  Such a fun evening seeing old running mates and remembering the days of running cross country and track.  Coach Helmer talked as well and was inspiring as ever. 
It reminded me of such valuable lessons learned back then.  One that stands out to me the most is balance in life.  He didn't want us to just focus on running.  We needed to be successful in the classroom and have time with friends and family.  He also taught us that not every practice is race day, not every race is the Olympics, and an Olympic race is not judgement day.  We certainly had days when we practiced hard.  But those would be followed by days of running an easy pace to recover.  He said if we didn't we would end up injured. 

That same principal can be taken into anything in life.  Day in and day out of constantly driving yourself at work or at home will take it's toll eventually.  Rest days are needed too.  To rest our emotional and spiritual muscles.  We need to be able to just be, and enjoy the run, the company and friendship of those around us. 

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