Sunday, July 30, 2017

mid summer

Summer is going along and things are still going well.   Except that weight loss goal, but more on that later. 

Got the Ceu's done and license renewed. 
Got the passport updated. 

Work is still going well.  I'm getting lots of good feedback about my work and getting along well with everyone.  I also realize this is a good role for me in that it's problem solving then moving on.  My last job at CMH was case management of families who had problems that were never going to be solved.  I think that was also really frustrating for me. 

A few weeks ago at church our pastor was talking about toxic relationships.  I thought about the usual people who have been toxic for me, and then realized what he was describing was my relationship with CMH.  I didn't realized how toxic that position had become for me.  I know a lot of people love their job there and that's great.  I know there were some things I could have done differently that might have helped.  But so many people said and did things that made me feel bad about the work I was doing there.  I would never go back to that kind of environment again.  I just will not put up with that kind of stuff again. 

So I move forward.  Having learned a lot of good things and things I need to do differently at work and it's coming together well.  I enjoy the job and I enjoy my coworkers.  This is the job I will do to make a living.  It may not be my passion, but it's something I'm good at and can do without too much stress. 

Which leads me to what to do with this certificate I'm going to finish in December.  I still love international work.  So, I think I'm going to try and be on a board some where that does international humanitarian work. 

For the upcoming semester my focus will be getting this last class completed.  Then look for an organization to either volunteer for or be on their board. 

Now for weight loss---very frustrated.  I feel like I make progress then fall back.  Not sure what to do but keep trying.  But I like to eat, and I like wine or a mixed drink.  Not every day but enough that it ups my calories a lot.  At least my progress in Crossfit is improving so I know the increase in protein is helping. 

Goals going forward:
1.  keep trying to eat better and be consistant every day
2. crossfit--toes to bar. 
3. keep on budget
4.  my last class

I will not join or focus on anything else right now.  It will be "no" to anything else.