Tuesday, May 9, 2017

too much stuff

So we moved into our new place and it's very good.  It's a lot bigger than the apartment and now we have all our stuff out of storage and with us.  And I have to say I'm a bit overwhelmed with it all.  It feels like it's taking forever to get settled in and unpacked.  It feels like there are boxes every where and things are still in such upheaval.  I still find myself going through things and tossing stuff out.  Also thinking about what to get rid of when I feel like we've purged so much already.  Ugh!  I'd like to just leave it all behind.  Yet, there are a lot of keepsakes too.  So, I plan to enjoy what we have and use everything possible.  I figure enjoy it for the next few years then be ready to get rid of everything and move to Mexico. 

I also did not finish the Levitt Challenge.  It's disappointing but I don't know how I could have gotten it done well with all the moving and changes.  The Reading Nook project is going forward any way so that is good. 

I still gotta finish those CEU's!  I keep meaning to do it at work and don't have time.  I really wish I could take a couple of days off work to get this house in order.  It's so annoying to have it feel so junky like this. 

And I'm starting a new diet next week with the gym.  I'm looking forward to it.  Maybe this is the summer to shed all the stuff and pounds I've been carrying around for so long.  It's time to create that simpler and healthier life now.  I hope I can do it.