Sunday, April 16, 2017

I started the new job and things seem to be going well.  It's a faith based hospital and they do not shy away from making that known, which is good.  It's nice to work someplace that has a Christian mission.  It has a nice atmosphere and they want their employees to be happy.  Of course I've run into a few disgruntled people but that will be any where.  I'm not letting it phase me.  I got set up with my cubicle and made my mindfulness corner and put up a few pics of me and Tim in Mexico, plus one of my favorite pics I took at Tulum. 

I can tell that taking a year off did my mind a lot of good.  I'm a lot less forgetful and have even been remembering people's names!  I wrote down things that I need to remember and that has also helped  a lot.  I haven't fucked up too much stuff yet, lol! 

I also got my first paycheck and it was more than I thought it would be, which is good!  They aren't taking out $$ for benefits yet, so I'll have several nice paychecks before that starts.  I reviewed the budget and will be completely debt free in a year if nothing really expensive comes up.  *fingers crossed*. 

And, we found a great duplex to move in to, which we are doing in two weeks!  We are both excieted to move and it's three blocks from the hospital.  So, I can walk or ride my bike to work which I'm excited about being able to do again, like I did when I worked at KUMC.  That will also be good for me. 

So, I find myself saying that God answers prayers in ways we don't expect.  The hospital also does medical mission trips as part of following it's organizational Christian mission.  I won't go this fall but will plan to go next year.  The way things are working out make me feel this is where I'm supposed to be and God is providing me with what I need.  I don't know career wise where this is going.  I'm just doing the job, doing my best and going with it. 

So, tasks going forward--
1) get my LSCSW CEUS!  eeks--I've let that go too long.  It's due soon and I need to get that done.
2) finish the Levitt challenge things at UMKC
3) still need to do my passport and social security card.  but I did find my birth certificate so will do that as soon as we move.  It's in a safe deposit box so at least I know where it is now! lol!