Sunday, March 5, 2017

moving forward with new dreams/plans

so, I got the job at the hospital and it will be good.  I'll be doing discharge planning for people on dialysis and in the ER, as well as a couple other small areas.  There will be some on-call but doesn't sound too bad.  Everyone seems nice and I'm happy they hired me.  At least now I'll be making real money again.

And so I'm done with the dream of doing international humanitarian work or even work in the church.  I'm going to work at the hospital, and at the home care agency, make good money, save and then move to Mexico.  Tim will turn 62 in 5 years and be able to draw social security.  There is nothing more I need here in the US.  I'm planning to down size even more than we already have.  Pare down the doll collections and work on putting medals and awards in a couple of shadow boxes.  I want everything I own to fit in my car. 

We are planning to move soon as well and get stuff out of storage.  We are looking at townhouse that would work well. I'm still holding out for a rental in this neighborhood that is along a bike trail and super close to the hospital, but we will see. 

Overall I feel I'm just done with the whole thing.  Don't want to be in leadership, don't care about crap at church.  Don't want to be involved in stuff any more where I'm not getting paid, except Kuomba. My plan is to work well at the hospital, do a good job and not get into stuff with people. 

I am still doing crossfit and have surprised myself during the open challenge.  Toes to bar, and really anything involving the bar pull ups, is what I cannot do.  Not even one.  So, going to start working on that and next year will do much better. 

So, my three things in life will be, work (making money), crossfit, Kuomba.  that's it.  I intend to spend the rest of my time enjoying life and relaxing.  I will finish my nonprofit certification next fall since I only have one more class left. 

The dream now is to move to Mexico with Tim and that is very doable. It will involve getting some debt paid but that is also doable with my soon to be salary.  My car is paid off finally.  Next is one credit card and the student loans.  Barring any unforeseen disasters, I should get caught up in a year. 

My goals for the next two weeks, before my new job starts, is to
1. make a passport appointment to get that renewed
2. get my license name updated
3.  try and find my birth certificate so I can update my social security card

I have two more weeks at the bakery.  I'm off on St Patricks day and I plan to attend the KC parade and drink green beer.  Fuck it, enjoy life and every minute of it.