Sunday, February 5, 2017

january sucked

So January started out great with an interview at a nonprofit doing refugee service coordination and then had a second interview.  I was sure I was about to be offered the job then started getting the run around about when they would have a decision.  Then Trump was sworn in and then he put a grinding halt to letting refugees into the country.  So the job was rescinded and now I have no full-time job.  and no prospects in the nonprofit social service world.  Or international humanitarian world.  I did start a PRN gig at a home health agency which has helped me pay the bills for the month of January.  Now that job really is PRN in that I have to wait for referrals to come in and that could be four a 4 week or 2 a month.  So that is not a steady source of income.  Right now I barely have enough income to pay the bills through the middle of the month.  Don't know what I'm going to do but feeling pretty bleak about it all.  At least this is the last month of car payments and I'm trying to stop payments on this long term care insurance I have.  That will eliminate $230 per month from my expenses.  And our phones are paid for so that's another $40 per month.  But that is about all I can eliminate.  I just keep hoping SOMETHING will come up to give me steady income until we can move into a cheaper place. 

So, now I'm back to applying for hospital social work jobs.  sigh.  Not what I wanted at all, but it is something I can do.  I applied for a position at a hospital near my house.  I should be a good candidate but who knows what they will think of someone who's worked at the two biggest hospitals in town and left both. 

And then there's the social enterprenuership challenge at school.  I am working with a pastor and his wife and I thought we were on the same page and had the same thoughts about how to use a building and expand a ministry.  When we met this last weekend in class I realize we are not.  He said he's been doing some reports and his superiors want some results, "now."  And "we are not a social service agency."  If he can do some programs to build a ministry that is fine.  I don't have any idea what his vision of this is.  At all.  I know my vision and I'm not sure it's gelling with his at this point.  so not sure where to go with that or where he is going with all of this but not feeling we are moving in the same direction.  I think he is looking at this challenge as a way to see if the business model can help build a ministry.  I'm looking at it to help solve a social problem in that community.  It can be the same thing but I don't think it is. 

So, I have not met my workout goals, although I was doing crossfit a little more consistently.  Not eating well at all. 

I started January feeling the winds of change and good forward movement and now feel the wind has been taken out of my sails.  I have no idea what direction to go next or how I'm going to financially make it.   But, here's what I'm going to do tomorrow:
get my home care ipad password corrected and schedule my first home care patient
get my reimbursement check from church and deposit that
call Prudential to make sure they got my cancellation letter
call Aflac to cancel that accidental insurance policy
go to work at the bakery

On Tuesday I plan to talk with the crossfit people to see if we can work out a deal to lower my monthly payment and still be able to work out a couple of times per week.
see what I need to do to update my passport which expires this year. 

and that's all I have.  No idea, other than work at the bakery, what will happen after that.  But hoping to God something comes along this month that is more positive. 

feeling discouraged.