Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016

Haven't blogged in quite a while.

 and perhaps 2017 is the year to get back into it.  2016 has been great.  I quit that job that was sucking the life out of me.  I went back to school and have learned so much!  It's been very useful to be able to focus on school and things I can do differently at work going forward.  If I could go back to the beginning at CMH there are so may things I would have done differently.  Perhaps I would still be there, who knows.  Maybe not. 

So, I'm looking for social work jobs again in smaller nonprofits.  I still want to move into more of a management role so I may start again at the bottom.  Which also means a much smaller salary but that's ok.  Now I know better what to do at work to be seen as a leader. 

And I have some goals for 2017. 
Work out 5 days a week at crossfit (which I love doing!)
follow a real diet plan
pay off 1 credit card
finish my nonprofit certificate
go back to Mexico in August
develop the UM Urban Ministry with Pastor Williams

The biggest goal is to be a positive person.  No more all negative talk.  It's ok to vent frustrations, but there are always solutions.  Life is short.  No more complaining.  Tomorrow is never promised so make the most of today. 

I'm going to try and blog one time per month to track how I'm doing. 

So starting next week I'll be here keeping myself accountable.